Our Mission:
Minnesota Krampus was founded in 2014 to promote the culture and customs of the winter holiday traditions from the area around Salzburg, Austria through public performance, events, and literature. The organization aims to foster stronger relationships between members and the alpine heritage, and provide academic scholarships to college students studying cultural and/or historical topics involving the Alps and its people.

To contribute to our mission:
Our Membership:
See our Membership tab!
Our Krampus and Hexen:
Our organization takes great pride in the time and research that we’ve put into acquiring the most authentic costumes and masks from the Salzburg area. We have made numerous workshop visits over the years and are partnered with some of the most talented master folk craftsmen available. Our goal is to ensure our costumes will always be 100% authentic to the traditions as it is celebrated in the Alps. As of August 2021, we have imported:
— Over 2 dozen hand-carved wooden masks made by a master wood carver from the Pongau region of Salzburg state, Austria,
— Over a dozen two-piece alpine goathair suits from the Pinzgau region of Salzburg, and
— Over a dozen different sizes, shapes, and ring quality bells and shells

Our St Nikolaus and Helpers (Farm-hand and basket carrier):
Much like our Krampus and pertchten masks and costumes, we take careful consideration in presenting our beloved St Nikolaus and his helpers with the highest level of detail. An incredible amount of time has been dedicated to import and maintain these elaborate costumes as their presence is significant to our celebration as the eternal symbol of goodness and hope.